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sâmbătă, 1 octombrie 2016

PyGame : Effects - part 003.

This is a part 003 from pygame tutorial series and is a little more advanced for you.
The reason comes with get_palette and set_palette functions and gif image with 8 bits.
Of course, I could use pygame.PixelArray but is not the purpose of this tutorial.
The python script comes with one surface screen, one surface for image and also one surface of a blur.
I set the resolution to be sized at 640,480. I have motion vectors for two directions and with this I make a circle follow path from sin and cos.
The path come from x and y variables ( width and height).
With angle_xd and angle_yd I increment the angles.
This is the result:
This is the source code:
import pygame, pygame.transform, pygame.image
from pygame.surfarray import *
from pygame.locals import *
from numpy import *
resolution  = array((640,480))
PI  = 3.14159
DEG2RAD = PI/180
print resolution[0], resolution[1]

def main():

    screen = pygame.display.set_mode(resolution,0,8)
    sprite = pygame.image.load("test_random.gif")
    area_work = pygame.Surface(resolution,0,8)

    angle_xd = 0
    angle_yd = 0
    while 1:

        for e in pygame.event.get():
            if e.type in (QUIT,KEYDOWN,MOUSEBUTTONDOWN):
        x    = ((resolution[0])/5)*cos((angle_xd*DEG2RAD))+((resolution[0])/2-128)
        print x
        y    = ((resolution[1])/5)*sin((angle_yd*DEG2RAD))+((resolution[1])/2-128)
        angle_xd  += 1
        angle_yd  += 1
        area_work = pygame.transform.scale(screen, (resolution[0]+8,resolution[1]+8))
        tmp = pygame.surfarray.array2d(area_work)
        blur = array(tmp)
        blur[1:,:]  += tmp[:-1,:]*32
        blur[:-1,:] += tmp[1:,:]*32
        blur[:,1:]  += tmp[:,:-1]*32
        blur[:,:-1] += tmp[:,1:]*32
        blur /= 31
        blit_array(screen, blur[8:resolution[0]+32,8:resolution[1]+32])

if __name__ == '__main__': main()